i'm working on designing a baby top to go with the mayflower baby blanket from naturally caron. the skirt will be the stitch pattern to the right. the top? still working on it. sleeves? tank? stitch pattern? decisions, decisions. i'll post it as soon as it's ready!
update: not happening, people. i cannot tolerate this stitch pattern anymore.....
I've been trying to make the mayflower blanket and have had a problem when I do Row 2: the part where you turn around and hdc 46 FPdc28 shell 7 and FPtr 6, I dont end up at the end of the row in order to start Row 3. Am i supposed to skip stitches anywhere... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
you're probably having a problem after the FPtr and the 3 hdc worked behind it. be sure when you continue past the fptr that you are working the next hdc in the stitch past the fptr and not accidently working it in the same stitch as the fptr. it's a little tricky because the fptr pulls to the right when you work the 3hdc behind it and this exposes the top of the stitch the fptr was worked in. be sure not to work in this stitch but rather in the stitch next to it. i hope that makes sense...it's a little hard to explain! if you're still stuck, let me know and we'll try to figure it out!
good luck,
Hi Leigh,
I am having a problem with that very part. I just don't understand what they mean by "working behind stitch just made". Do they mean to do three stitches in the opposite direction? I don't know if you have a Youtube account but a video would be very, very helpful!
I need help please! I started this pattern and am 4 rows into it and it looks NOTHING like the picture on the website. Do I just need to be patient and let the pattern show up? I was afraid there was a mixup on the website.
I'd appreciate any advice from someone who has completed the pattern.
as far as i know the pattern is correct as written. i didn't find any errors.
as far as working behind, you skipped a few stitches to work the treble. to work behind, go back to the first stitch you skipped (staying behind the treble for this row, if i recall there is also a row where you stay in front of the treble). so go back to the first skipped stitch and work the stitches in the usual order from right to left. i hope that makes sense....i'll see if i can get something on youtube.
oh and this project is not going to happen...after making the blanket i just can't stand to work that stitch pattern anymore!!!
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